Tuesday 23 August 2011

What's wrong with this chart?

Well, what do you think? I'll tell you what I think in a day or two. (see below)

Update: 24th August
Wow, I was a little surprised and very happy to see so many comments. (I'll be honest, I was hoping to get one or two at the most!) I'm guessing everyone likes a challenge, and those who like charts especially so.

And I was doubly surprised that so many commenters picked up on what I was trying to convey, even with such deliberately little to go on. The problem, as I see it, is not the chart so much but it's reason for existence.

I was tempted to name the post "Charts, who needs them?" and this probably is not such a bad idea. What's motivated me to write this post is something I see on a regular basis, something I call "charts for no reason". Let's face it, the two values speak for themselves. A chart in this case adds little to no value.

Of course, this is my own opinion and not written in stone. But it seems that some agree and that is reassuring. Of course, I'm just as happy to hear from you who think differently so don't hold back (as if I had to tell you, right?)

Next time, I'll be looking at when a chart is a good idea and how to go about it.

PS. Thanks for the technical tips too. They're all valid and very much appreciated! Maybe it would be fun to have something like "Rate my chart". I know other bloggers do it but why not me too? :-)

PPS. I'm going to set comments to no moderation on a trial basis and see how things go.