But let's say for argument's sake that you can't use any of them. Perhaps you're using a computer somewhere that won't allow you to install what you want. You still have access to the VBE, right?
Here's some code not yet indented.
If you look at the sub's name in the image provided, you might guess what's coming. Yep, I've pasted the code into cells and that's where I'me going to indent it.
And here is the code to indent the code for indenting ;-)
Private Sub IndentCodeInCells()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sCodeString As String
Dim sCodeStringOffset As String
Dim sFirstWord As String
Dim sIndent As String
Dim sTab As String
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
MsgBox "Please select a range."
Exit Sub
End If
If Selection.Columns.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Please select a single column."
Exit Sub
End If
sTab = WorksheetFunction.Rept(Chr(32), 3) 'Change number of characters to suit
For Each rCell In Selection.Cells
With rCell
If Not .Value = vbNullString Then
.Value = LTrim$(.Value)
sCodeString = CStr(.Value)
sCodeStringOffset = CStr(LTrim$(.Offset(1).Value))
Select Case sCodeString
Case "End Sub", "End Function", "End Type", "End Enum", "End Property"
sIndent = ""
Case "End If", "#End If", "End Select", "End With", "Else", "#Else", "Loop"
sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
End Select
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Next" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 10) = "Loop Until" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 10) = "Loop While" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Wend" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Right$(sCodeString, 1) = ":" Then
.Value = .Value
.Value = sIndent & sCodeString
End If
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Private Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 11) = "Public Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 9) = "Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 17) = "Private Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 16) = "Public Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 13) = "Private Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Public Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 13) = "Private Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Public Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 9) = "Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 17) = "Private Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 16) = "Public Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Else" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "#Else" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 2) = "Do" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If InStr(sCodeString, Chr(32)) > 0 Then
sFirstWord = Left$(sCodeString, InStr(sCodeString, Chr(32)) - 1)
sFirstWord = vbNullString
End If
Select Case sFirstWord
Case "For", "With", "Select"
sIndent = sIndent & sTab
End Select
If sFirstWord = "If" And Right$(sCodeString, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "#If" And Right$(sCodeString, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "If" And Right$(sCodeString, 1) = "_" And Right$(sCodeStringOffset, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "#If" And Right$(sCodeString, 1) = "_" And Right$(sCodeStringOffset, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
End If
End With
Next rCell
End Sub
And here's how it looks after. (Indenting your code makes it a lot easier to read for yourself, and anybody else who may refer to it)
Now I simply copy the indented code and paste it back into the VBE.
Okay, how did I indent the code for this blog post then?
With this. (Note the code comments to remove "<br>" if required.)
Private Sub IndentCodeWithHTMLSpacesInCells()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sCodeString As String
Dim sCodeStringOffset As String
Dim sFirstWord As String
Dim sIndent As String
Dim sTab As String
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
MsgBox "Please select a range."
Exit Sub
End If
If Selection.Columns.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Please select a single column."
Exit Sub
End If
sTab = WorksheetFunction.Rept(" ", 3) 'Change number of characters to suit
For Each rCell In Selection.Cells
With rCell
If Not .Value = vbNullString Then
.Value = LTrim$(.Value)
.Value = Replace(.Value, "", vbNullString)
sCodeString = CStr(.Value)
sCodeStringOffset = CStr(LTrim$(.Offset(1).Value))
Select Case sCodeString
Case "End Sub", "End Function", "End Type", "End Enum", "End Property"
sIndent = ""
Case "End If", "#End If", "End Select", "End With", "Else", "#Else", "Loop"
sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
End Select
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Next" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 10) = "Loop Until" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 10) = "Loop While" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Wend" Then sIndent = Left$(sIndent, Len(sIndent) - Len(sTab))
If Right$(sCodeString, 1) = ":" Then
.Value = .Value
.Value = sIndent & sCodeString & "<br>" 'Remove "& <br>" if required
End If
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Private Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 11) = "Public Sub " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 9) = "Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 17) = "Private Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 16) = "Public Function " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 13) = "Private Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Public Type " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 13) = "Private Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 12) = "Public Enum " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 9) = "Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 17) = "Private Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 16) = "Public Property " Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 4) = "Else" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 5) = "#Else" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If Left$(sCodeString, 2) = "Do" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If InStr(sCodeString, Chr(32)) > 0 Then
sFirstWord = Left$(sCodeString, InStr(sCodeString, Chr(32)) - 1)
sFirstWord = vbNullString
End If
Select Case sFirstWord
Case "For", "With", "Select"
sIndent = sIndent & sTab
End Select
If sFirstWord = "If" And Right$(sCodeString, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "#If" And Right$(sCodeString, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "If" And Right$(sCodeString, 1) = "_" And Right$(sCodeStringOffset, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
If sFirstWord = "#If" And Right$(sCodeString, 1) = "_" And Right$(sCodeStringOffset, 4) = "Then" Then sIndent = sIndent & sTab
.Value = "<br>" 'Remove this line if required
End If
End With
Next rCell
End Sub
If you run the code, you will see the indenting is done with " " which is used instead of normal spaces in HTML. Simple copy the code and paste it in HTML when and where necessary.
See you next time.
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