Monday 15 August 2011

AET Chart Tools

When working with lots of charts in a workbook, you can quickly find yourself overwhelmed. AET Chart Tools make working with charts a lot easier.

Problem 1
I have so many charts, I don't what sheets have which charts or where they are on the sheet. Scrolling around is driving me crazy!

Solution - Use the Chart Selecter tool
The Chart Selecter tool allows you see all charts in the active workbook and select them without having to scroll to where they are.

Problem 2
I have to reset the ranges or labels in a lot of charts. Not only is it time consuming, it's also prone to user error since it's such a boring and repetitive task.

Solution - Use the Series Find and Replace tool
It helps you find and replace in series values in the active chart, all charts on the active sheet, or the entire workbook.

Problem 3
I have so many charts, with so many series. Sometimes the chart type and series chart type are different, some have a secondary axis, etc, etc. I wish there was a way I could see the details of all the charts I'm working with.

Solution - Use the Workbook Chart Report
It tells you details of all charts in the workbook. Information includes the Sheet Name, Chart Name, Chart Type, Series Name, Series Formula (range references and series number), Series Axis Type and Series Chart Type.

Problem 4
All of the tools above sound good. But my workbook is so slow and it takes so long for my charts to render. Is there a faster way to see them?

Solution - Export the charts as images
The Export Charts as Pictures tool allows you to export whatever charts you want from the active workbook as GIF, JPG or PNG files. Using Preview on Windows Explorer right-click menu, you can browse through the charts that you exported using the navigation arrow buttons at the bottom. This is also a great way to keep a backup of your charts so you know what they looked like before you edited them.

You can download AET Chart Tools here!


Welcome to my new blog.

Why the change?

Well, my old blog site was getting very tired. Comments were disabled due to the inability to fight spam effectively and I missed getting feedback.

After looking at some other blog companies, I decided Blogger was the best for what I wanted. Some editing of the CSS and the odd tweak here and there - and a new blog is born.

Now all it needs is some content, and I think you will like some of the stuff that is coming up...

There are some major changes coming to my site and some new add-ins will be available for download soon.

And I'll be looking more at the analysis side of things - data presentation, charts, design and best practice, something I've not blogged about much before - it's time to become a little more serious.

Stay tuned!
