Wednesday 22 April 2015


Excel does not have a STDEVIF function. It's got other functions like COUNTIF(S), SUMIF(S) and AVERAGEIF(S), but is somewhat lacking when it comes to calculating conditional standard deviation.

If you have a lot of data, that can be a problem. Using array formulas or a UDF can slow things down. So let's focus on what's important, why not just get the calculation results? Forget using functions or VBA, why not both? (This applies to hard and soft tacos also!)

Here's my data. Note that the values in Column A are sorted. This is important.

 photo STDEVIF 1_zpscd11x9x8.jpg

In my little code snippet down below,

I want to add headers so I know which column to refer to, so bAddHeaders = True.

The headers are in Row 1, so lHeaderRow = 1.

Conditions (Class numbers in this case) are in Column A, so iCondCol = 1.

The values start in Column B, so iValsStartCol = 2.

The number of columns to calculate are 3 (Columns B:D), so iNumbOfCols = 3.

I'll put the results in Column F, so iEnterValsStartCol = 6

And I'll choose StDev for sFunctionType. I've also added Max for MAXIF and Min for MINIF, but feel free to add your own.

Update: Since I wrote this post, Microsoft launched Excel 2016 which includes MAXIF(S) and MINIF(S) functions. But like I say, this method is still very useful for a lot of other functions that don't have conditional variations yet! So for STDEVP, STDEV.S, STDEV.P, etc, substitute where necessary.

Here we go...

Sub GetConditionalData()
    Dim sFunctionType As String
    Dim lHeaderRow As Long
    Dim bAddHeaders As Boolean
    Dim lStartRow As Long
    Dim iCondCol As Integer
    Dim iValsStartCol As Integer
    Dim iNumbOfCols As Integer
    Dim iEnterValsStartCol As Integer
    Dim iCol As Integer
    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim rCond As Range
    Dim rAddVal As Range
    Dim rColumn As Range
    Dim sTemp As String
    Dim lCalc As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    'Change function type, columns, and headers as necessary
    'This code currently allows StDev, Max and Min
    'Add your own function types as required (See code below)
    sFunctionType = "StDev"
    'Add column headers
    bAddHeaders = True
    'Which row has the headers?
    lHeaderRow = 1
    'Which row does the data start?
    lStartRow = 2
    'Which column has the conditional data?
    iCondCol = 1
    'Which column do the values start?
    iValsStartCol = 2
    'How many columns to loop through?
    iNumbOfCols = 3
    'Which column to enter the calculated values?
    iEnterValsStartCol = 6
    Select Case sFunctionType
        'Add function types here
        Case "StDev", "Max", "Min"
        Case Else
        MsgBox "You did not choose an included function.", vbExclamation, "Get Conditional Data"
        Exit Sub
    End Select
    With Application
        lCalc = .Calculation
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With
    With ActiveSheet
        For Each rCell In Range(.Cells(lStartRow, iCondCol), .Cells(.Rows.Count, iCondCol).End(xlUp)).Cells
            With rCell
                If rCond Is Nothing Then Set rCond = rCell
                If .Value = .Offset(1).Value Then
                    Set rCond = Union(rCond, rCell.Offset(1))
                    Set rCond = Nothing
                End If
            End With
            If Not rCond Is Nothing Then
                For Each rAddVal In rCond.Cells
                    For iCol = 1 To iNumbOfCols
                        With Cells(rAddVal.Row, iEnterValsStartCol + iCol - 1)
                            'You must add code for your function type here
                            Select Case sFunctionType
                                Case "StDev"
                                .Value = WorksheetFunction.StDev(Range(rCond.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                                Case "Max"
                                .Value = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range(rCond.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                                Case "Min"
                                .Value = WorksheetFunction.Min(Range(rCond.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                            End Select
                        End With
                    Next iCol
                Next rAddVal
                For iCol = 1 To iNumbOfCols
                    With Cells(rCell.Row, iEnterValsStartCol + iCol - 1)
                        'You must add code for your function type here
                        Select Case sFunctionType
                            Case "StDev"
                            .Value = WorksheetFunction.StDev(Range(rCell.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                            Case "Max"
                            .Value = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range(rCell.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                            Case "Min"
                            .Value = WorksheetFunction.Min(Range(rCell.Offset(, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol - 1).AddressLocal))
                        End Select
                    End With
                Next iCol
            End If
        Next rCell
        'Get the Column headers if required
        If bAddHeaders = True Then
            For iCol = 1 To iNumbOfCols
                Cells(lHeaderRow, iEnterValsStartCol + iCol - 1).Value = Cells(lHeaderRow, iValsStartCol - iCondCol + iCol).Value
            Next iCol
        End If
        With Range(.Cells(lStartRow, iEnterValsStartCol), .Cells(.Rows.Count, iEnterValsStartCol).End(xlUp)).Resize(, iNumbOfCols)
            'Enter zeroes in blank cells (eg, calculating StDev was not possible)
            .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = 0
            'Delete duplicates (comment out this code if you want to keep them)
            For Each rColumn In .Columns
                For Each rCell In rColumn.Cells
                    With rCell
                        sTemp = Cells(.Row, iCondCol).Value
                        If Cells(.Row, iCondCol).Offset(1).Value = sTemp Then .Offset(1).Value = ""
                    End With
                Next rCell
            Next rColumn
        End With
    End With
    With Application
        .Calculation = lCalc
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

And we're done.

 photo STDEVIF 2_zpsc3rrhsoe.jpg

The code used the VBA version of STDEV (WorksheetFunction.StDev) to calculate the results, and put them in the appropriate column. So yeah, functions and VBA, Excel has fun for everyone.

Note the code deletes duplicates. I figure just one result per condition from each of the value columns is enough.

If you're using the data to print reports, like results per class, just use a LOOKUP function variant or MATCH/INDEX combination to find the relevant values.

How about STDEVIFS? Sure, just use suitable functions to get a unique string in a helper column, and refer to it instead. Then make sure it's sorted and you're good to go.

See you next time.

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