I also added an option to assign each correct answer a specified mark. If not used, the default mark will be one per correct answer.
Looking at the image below, we can see there are 2 columns. Column A shows a student's answers. Column B shows the correct answers. First I'll just assign each answer of one mark per correct answer. The code knows that total marks should be shown in Column C.
Select the student's answers in Column A and run the "Test" code.

Sub Test()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rRange As Range
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub
Set rRange = Selection
For Each rCell In rRange.Cells
Call AddSplitCellValues(rCell, rCell.Offset(, 1), "|")
Next rCell
Set rRange = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AddSplitCellValues(rCellMark As Range, rCellCheck As Range, sSeparator As String, Optional varCellScore As Variant)
Dim tmp As Variant
Dim tmp2 As Variant
Dim lCount As Long
Dim dValue As Double
On Error Resume Next
With rCellMark
tmp = Split(.Text, sSeparator)
tmp2 = Split(rCellCheck.Text, sSeparator)
dValue = 0
For lCount = 0 To UBound(tmp)
If IsMissing(varCellScore) Then
dValue = dValue + Abs((tmp(lCount) = tmp2(lCount)))
.Offset(, 2).Value = dValue
dValue = dValue + Abs(((tmp(lCount) = tmp2(lCount)) * varCellScore.Value))
.Offset(, 3).Value = dValue
End If
Next lCount
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Here's the total marks shown.

Let's try that again with marks per answer shown in Column C. The code will show the total marks in Column D.

All I have to do is to change this line in the "Test" code and run it again.
Call AddSplitCellValues(rCell, rCell.Offset(, 1), "|", rCell.Offset(, 2))

See you next time.
Whoa, he's alive! See you in two years! :-)
ReplyDeleteMaybe sooner.
ReplyDeleteNew wife, new life :-)
Good idea. Clear and consistent. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Nice site by the way.